

Different Expression of mRNA in B4GalT Glycosyltransferase Family Between Mouse Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Normal Liver Tissues and its Influence on Relevant Sugar Chain of Membrane
摘要 探讨肝癌模型鼠与正常小鼠肝组织B4GalT(β-1,4-半乳糖转移酶)家族mRNA表达差异以及对细胞膜相关糖链的影响.采用RT-PCR方法检测肝癌模型鼠和正常对照小鼠肝癌组织中B4GalT家族7个成员以及唾液酸α-2,3转移酶ST3GalⅢ、ST3GalⅣ、ST3GalⅥ、α-1,6-岩藻糖转移酶FUT8 mRNA表达差异,应用凝集素芯片检测细胞膜表面半乳糖、岩藻糖、唾液酸表达情况.结果显示:与正常对照组相比,肝癌模型鼠肝组织中B4GalT-1和B4GalT-3、ST3GalⅣ和ST3GalⅥ、FUT8呈现高表达,肝癌细胞膜半乳糖、岩藻糖、唾液酸类型糖链增加,提示B4GalT-1和B4GalT-3与肝癌细胞膜半乳糖链增加相关.由于细胞Galβ-1,4-GlcNAc糖表位在ST3GalⅢ、ST3GalⅣ或ST3GalⅥ催化下与唾液酸α-2,3连接生成s-lewis x抗原前体,本实验中B4GalT-1和B4GalT-3与ST3GalⅣ、ST3GalⅤ、FUT8 mRNA表达具有相关性,提示B4GalT-1和B4GalT-3可能与ST3GalⅣ、ST3GalⅥ以及FUT4协同作用,导致肝癌细胞膜半乳糖、岩藻糖、唾液酸类型糖链增加. To investigate different expression of mRNA in B4GalT (/3-1, 4-Galactosyltransferase) family be- tween mouse hepatocellular carcinoma and normal liver tissues and its influence on relevant sugar chain of membrane. The different expression of mRNAs in 7 members of B4GalT family and a-2, 3 sialyhransferase ST3Gal Ⅲ, ST3Gal IV, ST3Gal Ⅵ and fucosyhransferase FUT8 were detected with RT-PCR. The expression levels of galactose, fucose and sialic acid on cell membrane surface were analyzed by lectin array. The re- suits showed that compared with normal mouse tissues, B4GaIT-1, B4GalT-3, ST3GalⅣ, ST3Gal Ⅵ and FUT8 in mouse hepatocellular carcinoma were identified highly expressed. Galactose, fucose and sialic acid on cell membrane surface were increased, indicating that B4GalT-1 and B4GalT-3 are related with the increasing of the galactose epitope. Because sialic acids were added to Gal/3-1, 4-GlcNAc epitopes to form slewis x anti- gen precursor by ST3Gal Ⅲ, ST3Gal Ⅳ or ST3Gal Ⅵ, the relationship between the mRNA expression ofB4GalT-1 and B4GalT-3 with ST3gGal IV, ST3Gal V and FUT8 in the experiment indicates that B4GalT-1 and B4GalT3 may effect synergistically with ST3Gal Ⅳ, ST3Gal Ⅵ and FUT4, which results in the increase of galaetose, fucose and sialic aeid on hepatoeellular carcinoma cell membrane.
出处 《生命科学研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期48-53,共6页 Life Science Research
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(20672144)
关键词 B4GalT 肝癌 细胞膜 糖基化 B4GalT liver cancer cell membrane glycosylation (Life Science Research, 2012, 16(1): 048-053)
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