蒙古冰草Agropyron mongdlicum(2n=14,染色体组代号为P)和布顿大麦Critesionbogdanil(2n=14,染色体组代号为H)均属小麦族多年生原始二倍体植物。蒙古冰草P染色体组的长度明显大于布顿大麦H染色体组的长度。前者的染色体带有两对微小随体,后者的染色体带有一对超大随体,即随体长度超过其染色体短臂的长度,染色体长度和随体大小作为区别这两个种的染色体及P和H这两个染色体组的标准。
Agropyron mongolicum(P genome) and Critesion bogdanii(H genome) are not only excellent forage grasses but also original diploid species belonging to the Triticeae. The karyotype of A. mongolicum shows that there are two pairs of microsatellites on the short arms of chromosomes 3 and 4. The minute satellites appear as small dots visible only at early metaphase. The chromosomes of A. mongolicum are longer than the chromosomes of C. bogdanii. The chromosomes A. Mongolicum are metacentric or submetacentric. C. bogdanii has one pair of chromosomes with large satellites on the short arms of chromosomes 1. The satellites are larger than the short arms. Except chromosome 1, the chromosomes of C. bogdanii are metacentric or submetacentric. The chromosome 1 of C. bogdanii is acrocentric.
Grassland of China