
一种同名像点快速匹配方法 被引量:1

A Fast Correspondence Method of Homologous Points
摘要 针对多目视觉中核线几何约束与角度距离约束时常用的方法容易产生误匹配的问题,提出一种匹配正确性判断准则和距离与角度的最大绝对差约束方法,结合核线几何约束,快速得到一个既小又准的搜索域,通过相似性约束得到正确的匹配结果。实验结果及工程实例表明:对于搜索域内可能的匹配点数量较多的情形,该方法能明显缩减计算量,提升匹配速度和准确度,有实用价值。 Aiming at the problem of false matching generated easily in traditional multi-view epipolar geometry constraint methods combined with angle and distance constraints,the criterions describing the correct corresponding results and a constraint of distance/angle maximums absolute difference are presented.Together with epipolar geometry constraint,it can quickly produce a small and exact searching region,and then the right results can be obtained after similarity constraint.The results and practical examples show that the method can simplify the calculation obviously,promote efficiency and accuracy for homologous points corresponding,and it is useful and effective.
出处 《兵工自动化》 2012年第3期51-54,68,共5页 Ordnance Industry Automation
基金 四川省科技创新苗子工程"视频图像目标检测的低成本相机校验技术"(2010-005) 空气动力学国家重点实验室和中国空气动力研究与发展中心预研基金资助项目
关键词 匹配 约束 搜索域 同名像点 correspondence constraint searching region homologous points
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