
一维正弦型函数光子晶体带隙结构研究 被引量:3

Investigation On One-dimensional Sin-function Photonic Crystals
摘要 我们提出一种函数型光子晶体,其折射率是一个随空间位置周期性变化的函数.基于费马原理,我们得到了光在一维函数型光子晶体中的运动方程,并利用传输矩阵的方法推导出光在一维函数光子晶体的色散关系、发射率和透射率.通过理论模拟发现,介质的折射率、半周期厚度以及入射角对光子晶体带隙变化有重要的影响. We presented a new kind of function photonic crystals,which refractiv e index was a function of space position.Based on Fermat principle,we gave the motion equations of light in one-dimensional function photonic crystals.Using the transfer matrix theory,we gave the dispersion relation,band gap structure and transmissivity about the one-dimensional sin-function photonic crystals.By calculating,we found that the refractive index,the half period thickness and a ngle of incidence had important effects on the band gap of the function photonic Crystals.
出处 《吉林师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2012年第1期34-37,共4页 Journal of Jilin Normal University:Natural Science Edition
基金 吉林省教育厅项目(2006016)
关键词 光子晶体 折射率 传输矩阵 photonic crystals refractive index transfer matri x
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