
电磁兼容检测规约对传导骚扰测试的影响分析 被引量:5

Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Convention and its Influence on Conducted Emission Test
摘要 根据电磁兼容检测的特点和内在要求,分析并阐述了电磁兼容检测的三个规约,即最大骚扰电压、正常工作状况和统计结论。使用最大骚扰电压这一规约的基本原理及要求,讨论了模拟手不同接入方式对传导骚扰检测结果的影响,给出一种低背景电磁噪声的人工模拟手走线方式。利用电磁兼容检测规约给出模拟手的一种阻抗模型,并结合三种不同样品的测试数据展开分析和讨论,证明该阻抗模型解释模拟手频率选择效应的合理性。 According to the characteristics and inherent requirements of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) test, three conventions of electromagnetic compatibility testing are analyzed and described-maximum disturbance voltage, normal operating condition and statistical results. By using the basic principles and the requirements of the convention of maximum disturbance voltage, the effects of different setup methods of artificial hand on the conducted emission testing result are discussed. A setup method of artifi- cial hand with low background electromagnetic noise is provided. An impedance model of artificial hand based on EMC testing conventions is provided, and the test data of three different samples are analyzed. Application of the impedance model to explain frequency selective effects of artificial hand is provided, and the result is reasonable.
出处 《中国电子科学研究院学报》 2012年第1期94-98,共5页 Journal of China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology
基金 江苏省自然科学基金项目(BK2011377) 江苏出入境检验检疫局科研项目(2011KJ19) 苏州市科研项目(SWG0913 SYJG0925)资助课题
关键词 电磁兼容 CISPR标准 传导骚扰 模拟手 electromagnetic compatibility CISPR standards conducted emission artificial hand
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