调查了贵州省不同地区、不同海拔高度稻田杂草发生的种类、杂草群落组成、优势种等基本情况。常见杂草种类有 2 1种。杂草群落组成为眼子菜—鸭舌草—矮慈菇—四叶萍—野慈菇—牛毛毡—稗草—节节草—莎草—沉水生杂草 ;优势种为眼子菜、矮慈菇、鸭舌草、牛毛毡。对不同杂草的发生量、出现频率、发生比例与 1988年的调查结果比较 。
Varieties of weeds, component of weed community and its dominent varieties in paddy field in different areas at different altitudes of Guizhou were investigated. The results showed that there were 21 species for major weeds and the component of aquatic weed community were Potamogeton distintus A. Benn-monochoria vaginalis (Burm.f.)-Sagitrtaria pygmaea Miq-Marsilea Quadrifolia L.-Sagittaria sagitttfolia L.-Eleocharis Yokoscensis (Frinch.et savat) Tang et Wang com.nov-Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) Beanv Rotala imdica (wild) Koehne-Cyperua iria L. The dominent varieties are Potamogeton distintus A.Benn, Sagittaria pygmaea Miq, Amonochoria vaginalis (Burm.f.) and Eleocharis Yokoscensis (Frinch.et savat) Tang et Wang com.nov. The quantity, frequency, ratio of weeds and the weed varieties are similar to the investigation results conducted in 1998.
Guizhou Agricultural Sciences