
两种水化疗法预防造影剂诱发肾病的效果比较 被引量:6

Effectiveness Analysis on Two Kinds of Hydration Therapy in Prevention of Contrast-induced Nephropathy
摘要 目的:比较两种水化疗法对造影剂肾病(contrast-induced nephropathy,CIN)的预防效果。方法:将120例患者随机分为氯化钠水化组(60例)和碳酸氢钠水化组(60例),检测患者造影前3天内及造影后第3天、7天的血肌酐、尿素氮和尿β2微球蛋白。分析两组患者CIN的发病率。结果:造影后第3天碳酸氢钠水化组CIN的发病率显著低于氯化钠水化组(P<0.05),7天两水化组间CIN的发病率无明显差异(P>0.05)。提示两种水化疗法对CIN的预防效果相仿。结论:对于造影剂引发的急性肾损伤,在造影前采用碳酸氢钠进行水化预防比采用氯化钠水化预防更有效。 Objective: To compare the effect of two kinds of hydration therapy in prevention of contrast- induced nephropathy (CIN). Methods: Totally 120 patients were enrolled in this study. They were divided randomly into the sodium chloride treated group(n=60) and the sodium bicarbonate treated group(n=60). The levels of serum creatinine, blood urine nitrogen and urine β2-microglobulin were measured at any time three days before and at day three and seven after coronary angiograph. The incidences of C1N in the two groups were analyzed. Results: The incidence of CIN in the sodium bicarbonate treated group was significantly lower than that in the sodium chloride treated group (P〈0.05) at day three after coronary angiograph. At day seven after coronary angiograph the incidences of CIN between the two treated groups were not significant different (P〉0.05). Conclusions: Hydration with sodium bicarbonate before contrast exposure is more effective than hydration with sodium chloride in the prevention of CIN.
出处 《药学与临床研究》 2012年第1期71-73,共3页 Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
关键词 水化疗法 造影剂肾病 预防 Hydration therapy Contrast-induced nephropathy Prevention
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