将虚拟漫游作为变电站噪声控制仿真分析系统的输出方式具有很强的实用性。综合运用3DS MAX和Vir-tools的虚拟现实开发方法,解决了开发过程中遇到的问题,完成了三维建模、场景驱动、角色动作和音效控制等关键步骤,最终实现了虚拟漫游系统。实验证明,该系统有良好的实时性和逼真性,为变电站的噪声治理提供了有效的技术支持。
It is practical that applying virtual touring to the substation simulation system's output. Comprehensive use the 3ds max and virtools development method,to solve problems encountered in the development process, Several key steps of three-dimensional modeling, scenario-driving, character and sound control were completed. Finally the roaming system had been implemented. The result of the simulation demonstrates that the system can achieve satisfied real-time and reality,it also provide a effective technical support for the substation noise management.
Software Guide