
新疆南部碘缺乏病区儿童及育龄期妇女碘营养水平评价 被引量:1

Evaluation of the iodine nutrition of children and women in reproductive age in South Xinjiang endemic iodine deficiency
摘要 目的了解新疆南部碘缺乏病区儿童及育龄妇女碘营养状况,为进一步采取综合补碘防治措施提高依据。方法按照国家十一五支撑课题《碘缺乏病防治技术的应用研究》设计书,对南部地区7县(市)碘缺乏病区特殊人群碘营养水平进行现况调查分析。结果 7县(市)居民碘盐中位数30.7 mg/kg,非碘盐率32.53%,碘盐覆盖率67.47%,碘盐合格率88.40%,居民合格碘盐食用率59.43%;甲状腺肿大率为17.71%,莎车县、英吉沙县接近或超过20.00%;智商水平为79.22,智力落后者占23.59%;8~10岁儿童尿碘中位数123.83μg/L,尿碘<100μg/L的占48.19%,<50μg/L的占28.74%,育龄妇女尿碘中位数95.76μg/L,其中,新婚育龄妇女尿碘为94.15μg/L、孕妇100.04μg/L、哺乳期妇女90.234μg/L、领取生育证者89.14μg/L。结论碘营养水平不足,是引起的甲状腺肿大率高、智力发育迟缓的根本原因,该次调查结果证实,新疆南部地区消除碘缺乏病形势依然十分严俊,只有坚持食用合格碘盐和落实特需人群的科学补碘措施,才能从根本上解决人群碘营养水平不足问题,实现新疆消除碘缺乏病目标。 [ Objective ] To investigate iodine nutrition status of children and women in reproductive age in iodine deficiency disorders in South Xinjiang and to provide the basis for further comprehensive measures of iodine supplement and control of IDD. [ Method ] Status survey in special populations of endemic iodine deficiency in 7 southern counties (cities) according to China National Eleventh Five-Year Supporting Program"Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Technology Research. [Result] From the seven counties (cities) residents, the median value of salt iodine was 30.7 mg/kg, rate of non-iodized salt was 32.53%, coverage of iodized salt was 67.47%, and Goiter rate was 17.71%. In Shache County and Yingjisha County, the Goiter rate were close to or over 20%, IQ level was 79.22, mental retardation accounted for 23.59%; the median value of urine iodine of children aged 8 to 10 was 123.83 lug/ L, of which urinary iodine 〈100 pug/L accounted for 48.19%, 〈50 μg/L accounted for 28.74%. The median values of urine iodine of women in reproductive age was 95.76 μg/L, among which, the newly married women 94.15 Ixg/L, pregnant women 100.04 p.g/L, lactating women 90.234 μg/L and the married women who were prepared for reproduction 89.14 μg/L. [ Conclusion ] Inadequate levels of iodine nutrition is the root cause for high rate of goiter and mental retardation. The survey results confirm that the elimination of iodine deficiency is very serious in southern Xinjiang. To maintain the consumption of iodized salt qualified and scientific iodine supplementation on special populations will be the basic way to solve the problem of inadequate levels of iodine nutrition in iodine deficiency disorders in Xinjiang.
出处 《中国现代医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期45-48,共4页 China Journal of Modern Medicine
基金 国家十一五科技支撑项目(No:2007BAI07A14)
关键词 碘营养 儿童 育龄妇女 碘缺乏病 评价 iodine children women in reproductive age iodine deficiency disorders evaluation
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