

Chinese Geography in Seventeenth Century
摘要 十七世纪是明末清初的社会变革时期,也是明中叶以来受资本主义生产方式萌芽影响明显的时期。中国地理学在各方面孕育着崭新的学术思潮,涌现了一批著名的地理学者和一批重要的地理学著作,提出经世致用说和人地相关论,大兴地理考察之风,深入探讨地理规律,推动了传统舆地学向地理学的转变,萌芽了近代历史地理学思想,具有超越时代的意义,值得认真加以总结。 The seventeenth century was not only the social change period of late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty, but also the period which was affected by the capitalist mode of production since the middle of Ming Dynasty. Chinese geography gave birth to new academic ideas in all aspects, and produced a lot of famous scholars and a number of important geographic books with significance beyond the age. They proposed the statecraft theory and the relevant theory; paid attention to the geographical study; researched the geographical laws deeply, promoting the transformation of traditional geography to modem historical geography. It is worth a careful summary.Unfortunately, the harsh and feudal regime of Qing Dynasty destroyed the shoots of capitalist mode, causing obstacles and retrogression of history. In the cultural sector, vigorously feudal literary inquisition were produced. It also spread to the field of geography, and end the advanced one to several centuries in the West, the idea died of modem geography, the geography field work together with the rigorous methods have been stifled. Geographic scholars have fall into desk research, divorced from reality astray. The result of our modem geography of advanced ideas and methods of work interruption. The ideas of modem geography which was more several centuries advanced than the West died, along with rigorous methods of field work in geography stifled. The result of our modem geography of advanced ideas and methods of work was interrupted. It is worth a careful summary.
出处 《经济地理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期1-7,共7页 Economic Geography
关键词 中国地理学 经世致用 人地相关 地理考察 历史地理学萌芽 Chinese geography statecraft man-land relationship geographical study historical geography bud
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