
合并角膜散光的白内障患者未选择Toric人工晶状体原因调查 被引量:1

Survey of Toric IOL selection in cataract patients with corneal astigmatism by a questionnaire
摘要 目的 探讨合并角膜散光的白内障患者未选择Toric复曲面人工晶状体(intraoculalens,IOL)的原因.方法 对手术治疗的合并角膜散关的老年性广白内障患者120例进行问卷调查,内容包括医学相关因素、经济因素、社会及个人心理因素三方面,了解患者未选择Toric IOL的原因.结果 未选择Toric IOL的原因中医学相关因素占41.18% (126/306);经济因素占21.57% (66/306);社会及个人心理因素与37.25%(114/306).在各种原因中,位于前三位的依次为认为散光不会影响术后视觉质量25.49% (78/306);经济困难21.57% (66/306);白内障手术是复明,能看到即可19.61%(60/306).愿意术后配戴散光眼镜,年龄,学历及收入水平等对患者未选择Toric IOL均有影响.结论 在白内障患者中加强科普知识宣传,加强屈光知识普及,是引导合并散光的白内障患者正确选择人工晶状体,提高术后视觉质量的重要措施. Objective To investigate the reasons why cataract patients with corneal astigmatism do not choose Toric IOL. Methods One hundred and twenty cataract patients with corneal astigmatism were investigated with a questionnaire which concerned medical,economic,social,and psychological factors. Results The reasons related to the rejection of Toric IOL were medical factors 41.18% (126/306),economic factors 21.57% (66/306),social and psychological factors 37.25% (114/306).Among the factors,three major reasons were:‘astigmatism doing no matter with visual quality ' (25.49% (78/306)), ‘economic difficulty' (21.57% (66/306)), ‘vision recovery being enough'(19.61% (60/306)).Accepting of post-operative glasses,age,degree of education,income also affected the patients' selection. Conclusions The education of knowledge about cataract and refraction can play a role in inducement of Toric IOL in patients with corneal astigmatism.
出处 《中国实用眼科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期223-226,共4页 Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology
关键词 白内障 散光 TORIC人工晶状体 流行病学 Cataract Astigmatism Toric IOL Epidemiology
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