
颈-股动脉脉搏波传导速度与空腹血糖受损的相关性研究 被引量:3

Association between pulse wave velocity and impaired fasting glucose
摘要 目的分析本地区成年人颈一股动脉脉搏波速度(cf-PWV)与空腹血糖受损(IFG)风险的相关性,探讨年龄、体重指数(BMI)、体脂率、颈围、腰围及血脂对空腹血糖受损风险相关因素的影响。方法对5099例本地区来自社区的健康体检人群测量cf-PWV、BMI、体脂率、颈围、腰围、血压、空腹血糖、空腹胰岛素及血脂水平。分析影响空腹血糖受损的相关因素。结果对年龄、性别、血脂、血压等多因素进行校正后,通过升高分组变量cf-PWV水平,计算cf-PWV各五分位组的空腹血糖受损(impairedfastingglucose,IFG)风险,IFG风险的比值比及95%的可信区间(ORs,95%CI)分别为1.00,1.07(0.83-1.39),1.20(1.08-1.34),1.13(1.04-1.23),1.14(1.05-1.25)(P〈0.01)。cf-PWV与年龄、颈围交互作用对IFG风险产生影响(P〈0.01)。结论cf-PWV与IFG密切相关,并独立于其他代谢危险因素,cf-PWV与年龄、颈围交互作用影响IFG风险。 Objective To examine the relation between pulse wave velocity (PWV) and impaired fasting glucose (IFG), then evaluate the modification effects of age, BMI, hypertension and lipids in Chi- nese adults. Methods 5099 cases from a community-based health examination survey in Xuzhou, Jiangsu province, China, were enrolled in this study. Blood pressure, weight, height, waist circumference, neckcircumference, body fat ratio and determination of fasting glucose, lipids and pulse wave velocity were meas- ured in all'cases. IFG was defined as 6. 1 mmol/L~〈FBG 〈7.0 mmol/L. Results The odds ratios (OR, 95% CI ) of IFG across increasing variable of cf-PWV were 1.00, 1.07 (0. 83 - 1.39 ), 1.20 ( 1.08 - 1.34), 1.13 ( 1.04 - 1.23 ), 1.14 ( 1.05 - 1.25 ) ( P for trend 〈 O. 01 ). Age and neck circumference lev- els significantly interacted with cf-PWV in relation to IFG risk ( P 〈 O. O1 ). Conclusions The present da- ta indicate serum cf-PWV concentration was associated with the risk of IFG, and the association was modi- fied by age and neck circumference levels.
出处 《中国医师杂志》 CAS 2012年第1期34-37,41,共5页 Journal of Chinese Physician
关键词 脉搏 颈动脉 股动脉 葡糖耐受不良 血糖/代谢 Pulse Carotid arteries Femoral artery Glucose intolerance Blood glucose/ME
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