
高同型半胱氨酸血症对慢性应激模型大鼠行为学及神经生化的影响 被引量:2

Influence of hyperhomocysteinemia on behavioral and neurochemical alterations in a chronic mild unconditioned stress rat model
摘要 目的研究高同型半胱氨酸血症(Hhcy)对慢性不可预见应激模型大鼠行为学、神经递质及神经营养因子水平的影响。方法以高蛋氨酸饮食喂养大鼠制作Hhcy模型(Hhcy组,12只);另选24只大鼠,均分为普食组和对照组,均给予普通饮食喂养;Hhcy组与普食组给予慢性不可预见性刺激。比较三组的学习记忆能力、海马组织5-羟色胺(5-HT)和5-羟基吲哚乙酸(5-HIAA)含量以及脑脊液中神经营养因子(BDNF)水平。结果水迷宫实验中,Hhcy组目的象限停留时间比普食组短(P<0.05);Hhcy组海马5-HIAA含量和脑脊液中BDNF含量均较普食组低(P<0.05)。结论Hhcy可致慢性应激模型大鼠学习记忆能力的下降,加重神经递质及生长因子水平的异常,可能为抑郁症的危险因素之一。 To study the influence of hyperhomocysteinemia on behavior,neurotransmiters and factor in rats. Methods The hyperhomocysteinemia animal modelwas established by hypermethionine diet in 12 rats(group A). Another E4 rats ted with conventional diet were divided into groups of B and C with 12 rats each. A chronic mild unconditioned stress was performed in groups of A and B. The cognitive ability, contents of 5-hydroxytryptamine(5-HT) and 5- hydroxyindoleacetic acid(5-HIA/k) in hippocampus tissues and brain-derived uutrition faetor(BDNF) in cerebral spinal fluid(CSF) were compared among three groups. Results In morris water maze test, the time spent in target quadrant was less in group A than that in group B(P^0. 05). The levels of 5- HIAA in the hippocampus and BDNF in CSF were lower in group A than those in group B (P〈0. 05). Conclusion Hyperhomocysteineraia can reduce the cognitive ability, deteriorate the abnomality of monoamine transmitters and BDNF in rats, which may be one of the risk factors for
出处 《江苏医药》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期386-388,I0001,共4页 Jiangsu Medical Journal
关键词 高同型半胱氨酸血症 应激 单胺类神经递质 脑源性神经营养因子 Hyperhomocysteinemia Stress Monoamine neurotransmiter Brain-derived neurotrophic factor
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