
博尔纳病病毒对人少突胶质细胞增殖与凋亡的影响 被引量:5

Borna disease virus inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis in human oligodendrocyte in vitro
摘要 目的探讨博尔纳病病毒(Borna disease virus,BDV)感染对人少突胶质细胞(oligodendrocytes,OL)增殖与凋亡的影响。方法用BDV感染OL细胞,免疫荧光检测OL细胞中博尔纳病病毒P40蛋白的表达,CCK8测定法观察细胞的生长增殖情况,用流式细胞技术检测细胞的凋亡情况和周期变化,Western blot检测凋亡指标Bax、Bcl-2的相对表达量。结果与阴性对照组细胞比较,感染组在博尔纳病病毒感染少突胶质细胞第3天时,免疫荧光能够检测到P40蛋白的表达。随着感染时间的增加,BDV感染的OL细胞增殖能力下降(P<0.05),且通过流式细胞仪检测到病毒感染3 d后,细胞出现凋亡增多。流式细胞仪检测结果显示,与对照组比较,感染细胞周期G2期延迟(P<0.05),细胞增殖指数降低(P<0.05)。Western blot检测结果显示,与对照组比较,感染细胞促凋亡蛋白Bax表达量增加(P<0.05),抑凋亡蛋白Bcl-2表达量下降(P<0.05)。结论 BDV感染可以抑制OL细胞增殖,并能通过上调Bax蛋白及下调Bcl-2蛋白表达量,诱导细胞凋亡的发生。 Objective To explore the effect of Borna disease virus(BDV) infection on the proliferation and apoptosis in human oligodendrocytes(OL cells).Methods BDV infection of OL cells was detected by P40 immunofluorescence,cell growth was observed by CCK8 assay,and the apoptosis and cell cycle were detected by flow cytometry.Relative expression levels of Bax and Bcl-2 were also detected by Western blotting.Results Compare to negative control cells,the expression of P40 protein was positive in the experimental cells in 3 d after BDV infection.As the infection time increased,the proliferation of OL cells were decreased.Flow cytometry indicated that BDV infection resulted in an increase of apoptotic cells in 3 d after infection.BDV infected cells were arrested at G2 phase,and cell proliferation was inhibited.Expression of pro-apoptotic protein Bax was increased,and that of antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2 was decreased.Conclusion BDV infection inhibits cell proliferation,and induces cell apoptosis through up-regulating Bax expression and down-regulating Bcl-2 expression in OL cells.
出处 《第三军医大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期401-405,共5页 Journal of Third Military Medical University
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划 2009CB918302) 重庆市自然科学基金(CSTC2010BB5393) 重庆市卫生局医学科学技术研究项目(2010-2-102)~~
关键词 博尔纳病病毒 少突胶质细胞 细胞增殖 细胞凋亡 Borna disease virus oligodendrocyte cell cell proliferation cell apoptosis
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