
新生儿头部床旁实时监测用多通道近红外光谱系统的研制 被引量:2

Design of a Multi-channel Near-Infrared Spectroscopy System Used for Bedside Real-time Monitoring of Newborn Infants' Brain
摘要 目的研制一款适用于新生儿头部血流血氧状态床旁实时监测的多通道近红外光谱系统。方法基于修正的朗伯比尔定律,确定所选三波长检测光对应的系统算法。大量使用集成元件以简化系统设计,提高便携性和稳定性。针对新生儿特点,优化源探距离、探头的外形及封装。在确保系统安全后,通过前臂阻断实验和ValSalva实验对系统的有效性进行验证。结果系统整机质量小于0.5 kg,且满足与皮肤接触的安全要求。探头灵活,能与新生儿头皮良好贴合。实验的结果符合生理规律,并与已有文献的报道一致。结论该系统成本低廉,轻便、安全、有效,适用于新生儿头部血流血氧状态的床旁监测。 Objective To develop a multi-channel near-infrared spectroscopy system for bedside monitoring blood flow and blood oxygen of newborn infants' brain.Methods Algorithm for the chosen three wavelengths was defined according to modified Lambert-Beer's Law.Integrated circuits were preferred to simplify the system design and make it more portable and stable.With considertion to the feature of newborn infants,a proper source-detector distance was applied and the outline and encapsulation of the probe was optimized.On the premise of safety,forearm cut-off and ValSalva experiments were conducted to validate the system.Results The whole machine weight is less than 0.5 kg and it won't scald the skin when detecting.The probe is flexible enough to fit the curvature of newborn infant's scalp easily.The results of two validating experiments accorded with physiological regularity and they were consistent with previous papers.Conclusion The system is proved to be safe,effective and appropriate for bedside monitoring of newborn infants' brain.
出处 《航天医学与医学工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期30-34,共5页 Space Medicine & Medical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(81071191 60831003 30930092 30872633) 清华-裕元基金 国家973计划(2011CB707701)
关键词 近红外光谱技术 新生儿 缺氧缺血性脑病 near-infrared spectroscopy newborn hypoxia ischemic encephalopathy
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