
健康教育路径的构建对门诊阻生牙拔除手术患者的影响 被引量:3

Effect of health education pathway construction on outpatients with removal impacted teeth
摘要 目的:探讨健康教育路径的构建对门诊阻生牙拔除手术患者的影响,以提高门诊阻生牙拔除手术的护理水平。方法:将100例门诊阻生牙拔除手术患者随机分为实验组、对照组,每组各50例。实验前所有患者均用汉密顿焦虑量表评估焦虑状况,实验组对阻生牙拔除手术患者健康教育路径实施健康教育,对照组仅采用传统方式宣教,在手术后再以汉密顿焦虑量表对2组患者的焦虑状况进行评估,采用问卷方式对患者的认知情况和满意度进行评价。评估结果采用SPSS 16.0软件包进行t检验和方差分析。结果:实验前患者汉密顿焦虑量表评分无显著差异,实验后实验组患者汉密顿焦虑量表评分显著低于对照组(P<0.01),对相关知识的认知情况、满意度显著高于对照组(P<0.01)。结论:对门诊阻生牙拔除手术患者实施健康教育路径,能显著降低患者的焦虑情绪,提高患者对治疗的依从性,提高患者满意率,改善服务质量,减少并发症。 PURPOSE:To Introduce health education pathway to patients with removal impacted teeth,with the aim of helping patients to reduce tension or anxiety and improve the level of patients' satisfaction and cognition for dental surgery.METHODS: One hundred patients with impacted teeth surgery were randomly allocated into the experimental group and the control group.Health education pathway was given to patients in the experimental group while patients in the control group received traditional health education before surgery.The Hamilton-Anxiety Scale(HAMA) was applied to evaluate the anxiety of patients before and after treatment.A self-designed questionnaire survey was conducted among patients to evaluate the level of their satisfaction and cognition of dental surgery.RESULTS: Before the experiment,no significant difference in HAMA score was found between the two groups.After health education conducted,the score of the experimental group was significantly lower than that in the control group(P0.01),meanwhile the rate of satisfaction and the level of cognition in the experimental group was significantly higher than that in the control group(P0.01).CONCLUSIONS: Establishing and conducting the health education pathway on patients with impacted teeth removal can reduce their tension or anxiety,thus improving the quality of clinical service.
出处 《上海口腔医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期84-87,共4页 Shanghai Journal of Stomatology
基金 上海交通大学医学院附属第六人民医院院级课题(院-1382)~~
关键词 健康教育路径 阻生牙拔除 焦虑 Health education pathway Impacted teeth Anxiety
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