
填充泡沫铝的多层铝管动态压溃吸能特性研究 被引量:8

Numerical study on the energy absorption of foam-filled multi-layers Aluminum tubes under dynamic axial crushing
摘要 采用数值模拟的方法研究和分析了无填充物的多层铝管结构的吸能特性,结果发现多层铝管相比单层铝管,不但具有较大的吸能量,而且还具有较高的比吸能率;在此基础上,设计了不同层数的多层管泡沫铝填充结构,研究发现泡沫铝不但受轴向压溃变形,同时也受到了铝管层之间的相互作用力使其在径向发生了变形;之后对多层管填充3种不同密度的泡沫铝,采用变参分析的方法研究了多层管层数和泡沫铝密度对整个结构吸能特性的影响;研究结果表明:填充泡沫铝的多层管,随着层数的增加,其比吸能率和吸能量也随之有所增加,随着泡沫铝密度的提高,比吸能率的提高量开始下降,但仍高于填充相同泡沫铝的单层管。 Numerical investigations are carried out to study the energy absorption behavior of multi-layers Aluminum tube without any fill,it is found that multi-layers Aluminum tube has more energy absorption and higher specific energy absorption (SEA) than that of the single layer tube.Based on these results,several types of foam-filled multi-layers tubes with different layers are designed and their crushing behaviors have been studied by numerical simulations.It shows that,the distortions of Aluminum foam are not only subjected to the axial crushing,but also to the interaction between layers in the radial direction.Then,three multi-layers Aluminum tubes filled by Aluminum foams with different densities have been modeled and parametric studies are conducted to determine the effect of the layer number and foam density on the energy absorption behavior.The results demonstrate that the energy absorption and the SEA of foam-filled multilayers tube are increased with the increasing of layer number,but the SEA will begin to decrease when the foam density is increased to a certain value,while the SEA is still higher than that of single tube filled with the same foam.
作者 杨智春 袁潘
出处 《振动工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期12-16,共5页 Journal of Vibration Engineering
基金 高等学校学科创新引智计划资助项目(B07050)
关键词 多层管 泡沫铝填充 数值模拟 比吸能率 multi-layers tube foam filled numerical simulation specific energy absorption(SEA)
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