
睽而知其类,异而知其通——《周易》睽卦卦爻辞新释 被引量:1

Opposition Leads to Union:A New Interpretation of the Hexagram and Line Statements of Kui 睽(■)
摘要 睽卦卦义为睽而通,其卦辞与各爻爻辞亦皆围绕此义而展开。睽是睽乖之义,睽乖之所以能通,是因为本卦还有逊退之象义。卦辞之所以仅"小事吉",是因为逊退只能用于非原则性冲突,或者仅作为一种策略运用。初九爻:"丧马"是睽,"勿逐自复"是通;"见恶人"是睽,"无咎"是通。九二爻:臣仆遇主人,本应退避,但"遇主于巷",避无所避,是睽;因属情势所逼,自身无过,故"无咎",是通。六三爻:受刑者艰难赶车,是睽;因赶车很卖力,喻能洗心革面,终能获吉,是通。九四爻:睽孤无助,是睽;遇元夫得助,是通。六五爻:同宗之间有乖违之事,是悔,是睽;乖违之事消解,故同宗之人一起登上宗祠吃肉庆祝,是通。上九爻:求婚或娶亲队伍似寇盗,是睽;"往遇雨则吉",是通。 The connotation of hexagram Kui 睽(Opposition, , 38 ) is that opposition can lead to union and its hexagram and line statements are also unfolded around this connotation. Kui means opposition and misunderstanding. The reason why opposition and misunderstanding can lead to concert and union is in that this hexagram also possesses the image and meanings of modesty and retreating. Why it is fortunate in small matters as referred to in the hexagram statement is because modesty and retreating can only be adopted in non-principled conflicts or only be used as an expedience. In the bottom line statement, "losing one's horse" corresponds to opposition and the horse's "coming back of its own accord" to union; in the second line statement, when the servant meets his lord he should avoid his lord, but as they meet in a narrow street, he cannot able to avoid his lord, a state of opposition, while as this embar- rassment is caused by the hard situation other than his own errors, there is "no blame", a state of union ; in the third line statement the tortured man's painstaking dragging the wagon corresponds to opposition, and his hard work which enable him to reform himself and attain a good end to union; in the fourth line statement, the subject's being isolated correspond to opposition and his meeting a likeminded man to union ; in the fifth line statement, the discrepancies within a clan correspond to opposition or misunderstanding and the members of the clan's mounting to the ancestral temple to celebrate and eat meats to union; in the top line statement, the wooer's looking like a robber corresponds to opposition and that "as the subject goes, rain falls, then good fortune comes"to union.
作者 李尚信
出处 《周易研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期37-42,共6页 Studies of Zhouyi
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目:"<周易>古经本义系统解读--从探讨文本编纂与解读方法入手"(10JJD720015) 2010年教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助项目(NCET-10-0542)
关键词 睽卦 睽而通 逊退 hexagram Kui opposition leading to union modesty and retreating
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