
非英语专业大一新生的英语学习信念研究 被引量:5

Beliefs about English Learning of First-year Non-English Majors
摘要 本研究主要是用Horwitz的BALLI量表调查151名非英语专业大一新生的英语学习信念及其框架结构。调查结果表明学生既有现实的、积极的、对学习有帮助的英语学习信念,这些信念会促进英语学习;但他们也有不现实的、消极的、对学习起阻碍作用的信念,这些信念可能导致挫折和焦虑。主成分分析和因子分析结果显示,受试者的英语学习信念框架结构与其它相关研究的外语学习信念结构不一样,进一步支持了Yang(1992)不同群体的外语学习信念有着不同的框架结构的观点。 This paper investigates beliefs about the English learning of 151 first-year non-English majors and the construct of their beliefs using adapted BALLI. The students hold some positive and realistic beliefs which can facilitate English learning. But they also have unrealistic and negative beliefs which might hinder English learning and lead to anxiety and frustration. Results of principal-components analysis and factor analysis reveal that the construct of beliefs about English learning in this study is different from that in other related studies. This provides evidence for Yang's (1992) claim that the construct of beliefs about foreign language learning among various groups is different from each other.
作者 朱秀全
出处 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2012年第1期105-108,112,共5页 Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
基金 广东省"211工程"三期重点学科建设项目<全球化背景下的外国语言文学研究>子项目的研究成果之一(项目编号GDUFS211-1-064)
关键词 英语学习信念 外语学习信念量表(BALLI) 框架结构 belief about English learning BALLI construct
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