
孕期暴露因素与新生儿血管瘤发生的关联性研究 被引量:8

Study on the Maternal Exposure during Pregnancy and Infantile Hemangioma
摘要 目的探讨新生儿血管瘤发生的高危因素,分析孕期暴露因素与新生儿血管瘤发生的关联。方法对我院所辖大型社区2010年1月至2011年6月出生新生儿的母亲进行回顾性调查研究,对此阶段出生的新生儿母亲进行问卷调查,包括孕妇基本情况、孕期疾病和用药、服用多种维生素;对新生儿血管瘤患儿母亲与正常新生儿母亲的上述因素进行比较,采用logistic回归分析筛选与血管瘤发生相关的因素。结果共获得有效问卷953例,发现34例血管瘤病例;对这34例患儿母亲的孕期暴露因素与正常新生儿母亲的比较发现,母亲年龄≥35岁、儿童性别、黄体酮和过量服用多种维生素是与新生儿血管瘤发生明显相关的孕期暴露因素(Waldχ2分别为4.932、5.592、5.065、7.585,P值分别为0.026、0.018、0.024、0.006);父亲年龄、上感、发热和抗感冒中药与血管瘤的发生无明显关联(P>0.05)。结论除了高龄孕产和儿童性别外,孕期使用黄体酮和过量服用维生素可能是新生儿血管瘤发生的高危因素。 Objective To explore the possible factors for infantile hemangiomas(IHs) with a focus on maternal exposure during pregnancy.Methods A retrospective analysis was carried out on the neonatal mothers who gave birth to from January 1,2010 to June 30,2011 when they presented to the postpartum.All of them were invited to complete a questionnaire including maternal life history,diseases,drug administration and supplementation of multivitamin during pregnancy.Comparison of the maternal factors between the suffered and normal neonate group was conducted by using logistic regression analysis.Results Detail information of a total of 953 mothers was collected and 34 of infants were found developing IHs.The results revealed that the advanced maternal age,baby gender,progesterone and over-supplementation of multivitamin(Wald χ2 were 4.932、5.592、5.065、7.585 respectively,P value 0.026、0.018、0.024、0.006 respectively) were the potential factors for developing IHs while no significant difference was found in the paternal age,fever,upper respiratory infection and the administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine(All P value 0.05).Conclusion Besides the advanced maternal age and baby gender as reported in foreign study,our study suggests that progesterone and over-supplementation of multivitamin may be possible factors for developing IHs.
出处 《中国药物警戒》 2012年第3期140-143,共4页 Chinese Journal of Pharmacovigilance
关键词 新生儿血管瘤 高危因素 黄体酮 过量服用维生素 infantile hemangiomas risk factor progesterone over-supplementation of multivitamin
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