
石羊河流域农产品虚拟水细分研究 被引量:8

Subdividing Virtual Water of Farm Produce in Shiyang River Basin
摘要 采用Penman公式计算作物需水量,根据作物需水量、作物生育期有效降雨量、农产品单产等计算农产品中含虚拟水、虚拟蓝水和虚拟绿水量,并以石羊河流域为例进行实证研究。通过对比分析石羊河流域不同区域主要农产品中含虚拟水量及组成,从提高绿水利用率角度,提出凉州区应增加水果的种植面积,民勤县应增加棉花的种植面积,古浪县应增加玉米和水果的种植面积,天祝县应增加小麦的种植面积,金川区应增加棉花的种植面积,永昌县应增加玉米和水果的种植面积。虚拟水的细分研究可为区域农业水资源优化配置提供参考。 Subdividing virtual water of farm produce into blue water and green water can guide the regional agricultural planting structure adjustment,so as to improve the using rate of green water and decrease the consumption of blue water.This paper evaluates the virtual water,the blue water and the green water content of main farm produce in Shiyang River Basin according to the crop water requirement calculated by Penman-Monteith equation,the effective precipitation during growing period of crops,the yield of farm produce per hectare.Also the virtual water content and composition of main farm produce in different regions have been analyzed and contrasted,in terms of improving the using rate of green water,it is suggested that the fruit plant area in Liangzhou,the cotton plant area in Minqin,the corn and fruit plant area in Gulang,the wheat plant area in Tianzhu,the cotton plant area in Jinchuan,as the corn and fruit plant area in Yongchang should be expanded.Subdivision of virtual water can provide some helpful insight for rational allocation of regional agricultural water resource.
出处 《灌溉排水学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期113-116,共4页 Journal of Irrigation and Drainage
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(50879071) 西北农林科技大学青年学术骨干支持计划项目(2007)
关键词 虚拟水 蓝水 绿水 种植结构 virtual water blue water green water agricultural planting structure
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