
里氏木酶利用预处理小麦秆生产纤维素酶的应用研究 被引量:2

Applied Study on Cellulase Production from Pretreated Wheat Straw by Trichoderma reesei
摘要 为了降低里氏木霉生产纤维素酶的成本,研究了小麦秸秆经白腐菌和酸处理后主要成分如纤维素、木聚糖、木质素含量的变化,采用正交实验考察了里氏木霉菌发酵小麦秆生产纤维素酶的最佳条件,研究得到的最佳条件为:小麦秆∶麸皮=2∶3,培养温度30℃,起始pH 5.0,发酵时间48 h。通过对正交实验条件的优化,发酵液滤纸酶活(FPA)为6.11 IU.mL-1,羧甲基纤维素酶活(CMCase)为29.11 IU.mL-1,纤维二糖酶活(CBA)为16.11 IU.mL-1。和原工艺相比FPA、CMCase和CBA分别提高了30.78%、26.82%和37.11%。 With the aim to improve cellulase production by Trichoderma reesei while trying to reduce its costs, the or- thogonal experiments including the pretreatment of wheat straw as substrate instead of microcrystalline cellulose by Phaner- ochaete chrysosporium and dilute acid were conducted. The result of a volumetric enzyme activity of filter paper activity ( FPA, 6.11 IU mL^-1), carboxymethyl cellulase activity ( CMCase, 29.11 IU mL- 1 ) and cellobiase activity ( CBA, 16.11 IU · mL^- 1 ) in the cellulase production under the optimum condition at initial pH 5.0 and 30℃ for 48 h with pretreated wheat straw: bran =3 : 2(w : w) by Trichoderma reesei showed a highly significant increase of FPA (30.78%), CM-Case (26.82%) and CBA(37.11% ) compared to previous cellulase production.
出处 《广州化工》 CAS 2012年第4期29-33,共5页 GuangZhou Chemical Industry
基金 江苏省重大科技支撑和自主创新项目(项目编号BE2008121)
关键词 纤维素酶生产 预处理小麦秆 里氏木霉 滤纸酶活 羧甲基纤维素酶活 纤维二糖酶活 cellulase production pretreated wheat straw Trichoderma reesei filter paper activity(FPA) carboxy- methyl cellulase activity (CMCase) cellobiase activity(CBA)
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