
基于DSP的OMP算法实现及音频信号处理 被引量:3

OMP Algorithm Implemented on DSP Platform and Its Application in Audio Processing
摘要 在DSP平台上实现了压缩感知理论中的正交匹配追踪算法,证明了其可行性。针对音频信号的特点,提出了一种实现方案,使重构信号具有更为良好的主观效果。率先在DSP平台上实现了OMP算法,并将其在音频领域进行了应用,为音频压缩处理提供了新的技术方向。 An idea of implementing Orthogonal Matching Pursuit algorithm of compressive sensing on DSP platform is presented, and the feasibility of the idea is proved. Features of audio signals are considered, a scheme to reconstruct signal with good subjective effects is proposed. In this paper, Orthogonal Matching Pursuit on DSP platform is implemented firstly, audio signals are applied. It also provides a new technical direction for audio compression.
出处 《电声技术》 2012年第2期60-63,共4页 Audio Engineering
关键词 OMP算法 DSP 音频处理 OMP algorithm DSP audio processing
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