目的:通过对Nikon YS100生物显微镜的结构原理及发展现状分析,探索生物显微镜照明系统改进的方法,实现改善视觉效果、节约教学成本。方法:将普通卤素灯、红光LED、蓝光LED、白光LED替换现用飞利浦7388卤素灯,并按各类灯源参数对电源作相应调整,对比观察标本效果。结果白光LED观察效果较其他几种光源效果好。结论:在电光源生物显微镜上用高亮度发白光二极管取代现用的卤素灯具有亮度高、节能、经济、环保等优势,可以替代生物显微镜现用卤素灯。
Objective: Explore the improvement methods of biological microscopic lighting system through analyses of the Nikon YS100 structural principle of biological microscope and their developmental status, with the goal of improvement of visual effect and saving teaching cost. Methods: Considering the needs of morphological experimental teaching in medical colleges, form of discipline with the needs of on the Nikon YS100 Microscope lighting system with different color temperature, different wavelengths of light type of experimental comparative study. Conclusion: Biological microscope with high-brightness light-emitting diodes are used to replace halogen lamps with high brightness, energy saving, economic, environmental, visual effects and other advantages, can substitute biomicroseopy active lighting.
Journal of Mathematical Medicine