
消费者敌意:跨地域营销研究的新方向 被引量:1

Consumer Animosity:a New Direction for Cross-Regional Marketing Research
摘要 消费者敌意研究指出国家间的经济和政治矛盾会影响购买意愿,由于历史和国情等因素,我国与美、欧、日等主要贸易国长期存在类似矛盾,但是还没有从营销的角度得到学界和企业的重视。为了帮助企业界认识、理解和应对消费者敌意,文章从消费者敌意的概念、影响因素、结果变量和理论基础研究消费者敌意的特征和作用机理,进行分析和阐述。 In addition to quality and price,there are other important factors that influence foreign consumer intention to purchase products from China.Consumer animosity research pointed out that the economic and political conflicts might also influence the purchase intention.Because of historical and national conditions and other factors,there are such long-standing conflicts between China and the major trading nations,such as United States,Europe,Japan,but it has not been paid enough attention to it from the perspective of marketing.To help the business community to know,understand and respond to consumer animosity,the article analyzed analysis of existing literatures from the aspects of the concept of consumer animosity,influencing factors,result variables and theoretical basis,and discussed the role of consumer animosity and mechanism of consumer animosity,and pointed out the future Research direction.
出处 《江苏商论》 2012年第1期3-7,共5页 Jiangsu Commercial Forum
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(编号:71072067)
关键词 消费者敌意 影响因素 理论基础 consumer animosity influencing factors theoretical basis
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