在低碳经济发展模式成为世界各国未来经济发展必然选择的背景下,作为温室气体的主要排放者的城市经济发展模式则成为低碳经济发展的焦点。河北省的经济发展具有高能耗、高排放的特征,探讨河北省11市低碳城市与金融体系之间的关系是本文的研究目的。分析现阶段河北省11个城市的能源消耗状况和碳排放规律,选取河北省1995—2009年单位GDP CO2排放量、金融机构贷款占地区GDP的比例两个指标,进行单整检验、协整检验和误差修正模型检验,采用Granger因果关系检验低碳城市与金融体系的相互依存关系。研究结果显示,河北省金融体系的发展水平对低碳城市建设的影响显著,建立碳金融支撑体系是河北省低碳经济发展的政策取向。
In the context of multipolarity of the world and economic globalization,low-carbon economy is to be an inevitable developing patterns for countries from all over the world.And some cities with large emission of greenhouse gas are the main low-carbon performers with no doubt.Economic development of Heibei is featured with high energy consumption and large amount of carbon emission,which leads to a careful discussion in this research about the relationship between the eleven low-carbon cities in Hubei and its financial system.Targeting at the carbon dioxide emission per GDP in 1995 to 2009 and the proportion that loans,let out by financial institutes,respectively take up the total volume of regional GDP,energy consumptive situation and carbon emission regulations are illustrated in the paper as well.With the help of integration test,co-integration test,model test of error correction and Granger causality test,it can be found that low-carbon cities and their financial systems rely on each other closely and strongly that the developmental level of financial system in Hebei not only has a notably significant effect on the construction of low-carbon cities,but also directs well their evolvements.
Jiangsu Commercial Forum