
肿瘤溶解综合征高危患者的诊治进展 被引量:6

Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment of High Risk Tumor Lysis Syndrome Patients
摘要 肿瘤溶解综合征(TLS)是肿瘤细胞快速溶解后细胞内容物及其代谢产物迅速释放入血,引起一系列以高尿酸、高钾、高磷、高尿酸、低钙血症、急性肾功能不全为特征的并发症。TLS处理的关键在于预防,及时发现和早期处理,大部分TLS预后良好。但即使对TLS高危患者进行预防治疗,仍有部分患者出现严重的并发症,甚至死亡。本文对TLS高危患者的病理生理、危险因素、危险分级、预防及治疗的最新研究进展进行综述。 Objective Tumor lysis syndrome(TLS) is characterized by a group of metabolic derangements caused by the massive and abrupt release of cellular components into the blood after the rapid lysis of malignant cells.The metabolic derangements include hyperuricemia,hyperpotassaemia,hyperphosphatemia,hypocalcemia and acute renal insufficiency.The most important therapy of TLS is precaution,once TLS is discovered in time and treatment in the earlier period,most TLS can be eusemia.But for the high risk TLS patients,even though precautions are administration,some patients still develop to severe situation,even to death.This article reviews recent researches and developments of the pathophysiology,risk factors,risk grading,prophylaxis and treatment of high risk TLS patients.
出处 《中国全科医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期596-598,共3页 Chinese General Practice
关键词 肿瘤溶解综合征 诊断 治疗 Tumor lysis syndrome Diagnosis Therapy
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