1998~1999年进行了甜菜酸性土壤改良试验 ,结果表明 ,施用熟石灰可有效地中和土壤酸度 ,补充甜菜所需要的钙 ,在15cm耕层内增施熟石灰31.3g/m2,pH值可提高0.1。土壤 pH值越接近中性越有利于甜菜生长 ,土壤越酸 ,施熟石灰增产效果越显著。
Sugarbeet improved tests have carried out in 1998~1999 on acid ground,the results have showed that acidity could be neutralization with slaked lime,calcium supplied to sugarbeet growth, supplied slaked lime 31.3 g/m2 in 15cm soil layer, pH get high 0.1, the neutral soil is the best for sugarbeet growth and it can be significant with more slaked lime applied in higher acidity.
Sugar Crops of China