

Characteristics of the Co-precipitation from the Cardamine Polysaccharide Settled with Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate
摘要 为探索磷酸氢二钠沉淀碎米荠醇沉多糖中共沉淀物的特性,选择磷酸氢二钠为沉淀剂,以磷酸氢二钠用量和pH值为试验因素,进行单因素和二次正交旋转组合试验,试验结果经方差和回归分析,结果表明,影响共沉淀物沉淀的因素是碱性的溶液体系和共存的金属离子。 In order to explore the characteristics of the co-precipitation from the cardamine polysaccharide settled with disodium hydrogen phosphate precipitation,disodium hydrogen phosphate was chosen as precipitant,and the single factor test and second orthogonally rotational combination test were carried out to study the settling characteristics of the co-precipitation,in which the amount of disodium hydrogen phosphate and the pH value were experimental factors,test results were analyzed with variance and regression method.The results indicated that the factors affecting precipitation amount of the co-precipitation are the alkalinity system and the metallic ion.
出处 《包装与食品机械》 CAS 2012年第1期18-21,共4页 Packaging and Food Machinery
基金 湖南农业大学稳定人才基金(2009WD33)
关键词 磷酸氢二钠 沉淀 碎米荠 多糖 共沉淀物 disodium hydrogen phosphate precipitation cardamine polysaccharide co-precipitation
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