

Light Scattering by Residual Pores and Grain Boundaries in Transparent 0.65PMN-0.35PT Ceramics
摘要 根据Mie和Raleigh-Gans-Debye散射理论,用matlab编程模拟了0.65PMN-0.35PT透明陶瓷中气孔及晶界处双折射对光透过率的影响。结果表明,陶瓷中光的直线透过率和总透过率都随着气孔率的增大而迅速减小,而随着气孔半径的增大先减小后增大;光的直线透过率在气孔尺寸与入射光波长相近时取得最小值;随着晶粒尺寸的增大光的直线透过率单调递减,而总透过率几乎无变化。 The effects of the residual pores and birefringence of grain boundaries on the transmission through 0.65PMN-0.35PT electro-optic ceramics were studied with Mie scattering theory and the RaleighGans-Debye model. Results show that both in-line transmission and total forward transmission decrease prominently with the increase of the porosity, while the transmission first decrease and then increase along with the increase of the pore size. The minimum of in-line transmission is achieved when the pore size is close to the wavelength of the incident light. Because of the optical birefringence at the grain boundaries, the in-line transmission decreases monotonically with the increase of grain size, and the total forward transmission is less sensible to the grain size.
出处 《青岛大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2012年第1期42-46,共5页 Journal of Qingdao University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 山东省自然科学杰出青年基金(JQ200818)
关键词 透明陶瓷 气孔 晶界 光散射 transparent ceramics residual pores grain boundaries light scattering
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