
美国中小学共同核心标准的建立及探析 被引量:7

The Development and Analysis of the K-12 Common Core State Standards in America
摘要 为帮助学生高中毕业前获得进入大学或就业前必备的知识和能力,美国于2010年6月正式颁布首份中小学统一课程标准——共同核心标准。该标准立足"八性",结构清晰、知识系统连贯、重视基础知识和学生理解,但在推行政策、学科内外知识联系、部分内容完整性和评价体系上受到质疑。其蕴含的教育改革经验是我国课程改革发展的有效借鉴。 In order to prepare students with basic knowledge and competence for college and career readiness, the first American national curriculum standards--K-12 Common Core State Standards(CCSS) has been released in June 2010. With eight premier principles, the CCSS is characterized of its clarified structures, coherent knowledge system and focuses on basic knowledge and students' understanding. However, it Still needs to improve in implementation policies, connections within and between subjects, integrity with some content and assessment system. The experience of developing CCSS has great inspiration to the development of educational reform in China.
作者 陈燕 宋乃庆
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期37-41,共5页 International and Comparative Education
关键词 美国 基础教育 共同核心 课程标准 America basic education common core curriculum standards
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