
海柏和扇形海柏的形态观察及孢子萌发类型的比较 被引量:1

A comparative study on the morphological observation and the mode of sporogensis ofPolyopes polyideoides and Polyopes affinis(Halymeniaceae,Rhodophyta) in China
摘要 对我国大连沿海地区的海柏(Polyopes polyideoides)和扇形海柏(Polyopes affinis)进行了外部形态和孢子萌发类型的比较研究,其结果如下:(1)海柏藻体呈亚二叉分枝,上部叉分的距离较近,下部枝距较远,藻体上有轻微缢缩并偶有小育枝;扇形海柏藻体数回叉状扇形分枝,分枝处基部不缢缩或略微缢缩,下部为圆柱形,往上分枝轻度或中度扁压,藻体上多有小育枝。(2)海柏与扇形海柏孢子萌发类型均属于间接盘状型。海柏孢子萌发时,先形成基细胞,再分裂形成盘状体,不出现丝状体。扇形海柏孢子萌发时,形成基细胞后,继续分裂出现两种情况:第一种情况由基细胞逐渐延长先形成丝状体,末端细胞不断分裂,总体积膨大,丝状体逐渐变短消失,最后形成盘状体;第二种情况是在基细胞形成后,原位呈十字型分裂,形成盘状体,无丝状体形成。海柏在辽宁沿海为首次发现,是该领域的一新纪录种。 The comparative study on the morphological observations and the mode of sporogensis were made in recently collected Polyopes polyideoides and Polyopes affinis from Dalian. The results were as follows: a. The thalli of P. affinis were dichotomously branching, the distance of branches was wide below and narrow above. The branches constricted slightly at base and bore proliferations occasionally;P, polyideoides showed flabellate and bifurcate branches. The branches were unconstricted or slightly constricted at their bases, bottom cylindrical, slightly or moderately compressed above, frequently with proliferations; b. P. polyideoides and P. affinis were both mediate diseal type. P. polyideoides formed basal cell after spore germination, then divided to discoid. The basal cell of P. affinis was formed initially after spore germination, then it continued to divide into two types. The first type, basal cells gradually extended to protonema, then the terminal cells kept dividing, the total volume increased, the protonema disappeared, and finally the discoid formed; the second type, the basal cells formed without the formation of the filaments, they cruciately divided, and then divided into discoid directly. It was the first time that P. polyideoides appeared as a new record in the Liaoning coast.
作者 张雯 王宏伟
出处 《海洋渔业》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期83-88,共6页 Marine Fisheries
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.30870161)
关键词 海柏 扇形海柏 外部形态 孢子萌发类型 Polyopes polyideoides Polyopes affinis morphological observations mode of sporogensis
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