针对现有的多传感器网络系统分簇路由协议负载能量不均衡、簇头节点分布不均、网络生命期较短等问题,设计了一种新的网格状分簇路由协议算法(New Grid Clustering Hierarchy,NEWGRID).该算法利用网格分割技术将区域分割为等大的均匀区域,在以网格交叉节点为圆心的某个圆范围内进行簇头选举.该路由协议引入阈值函数选择簇头.当节点剩余能量高于阈值函数时,节点竞争为候选簇头,同时区域簇首与基站之间的通信由传统的单跳切换为多跳.仿真实验结果表明,该算法比现有的算法在多传感器网络系统能量消耗、数据吞吐量、簇头节点分布方面具有明显优势.
We proposed a grid-clustering routing protocol that provides sealable and efficient packet routing for the large-scale wireless sensor networks, dividing networks into equally spaced grids in the paper. The sink proactively, dynamically and ran- domly builds a cluster grid structure in this protocol. Only a small part of all sensor nodes will participate in the election of cluster heads. To perform a routing operation,it requires as few grids as pssible to participate while preserving network con- nectivity. The new protocol can distribute the energy load among the sensors in the network, and provide in-network processing support to reduce the amount of information that must be transmitted to the sink. Simulation results using NS2 show that the proposed routing protocol significantly reduces energy consumption and increases the total lifetime of the wireless sensor net- work compared to the LEACH and LEACH-C protocols.
Journal of Nanchang Institute of Technology
Supported by Jiangxi Natural Science Foundation(No.2009GZS0083)
Science and Technology Supporting Project of Jiangxi Provincial Department of Science and Technology(No.2009ZDG08400 and 2009ZDG08300)
Science and Technology Project of Jiangxi Provincial Department of Education (No.GJJ11632)
Student Scientific Research Training Project of Nanchang Institute of Technology(No.2011201 and 2011205)~~