目的分析广西壮族自治区1960-2010年流行性乙型脑炎(乙脑)流行趋势和特征,掌握其流行规律,为制定防控对策提供科学依据。方法收集广西壮族自治区1960-2010年乙脑的疫情资料,对该地区乙脑的流行趋势和特征进行统计学描述。结果广西1960-2010年共发生乙脑65 384例,死亡11 875例,年均发病率为3.38/10万,年均死亡率为0.61/10万,病死率为18.2%;发病主要集中在20世纪60和70年代,年均发病率分别为8.59/10万和9.24/10万,此后发病呈明显下降趋势;广西14个市均有病例发生,主要以贵港、防城港、北海、来宾、和玉林市发病较多,发病率分别为5.40/10万、4.12/10万、4.02/10万、3.88/10万和3.81/10万,分别占全省总病例数的14.3%、1.9%3、.4%、5.7%和12.5%;乙脑发病呈明显季节性,主要集中于5~9月份,占总发病例数的95.8%;患者以0~14岁散居儿童为主,男性发病多于女性。结论广西壮族自治区乙脑发病呈明显下降趋势;病例高度散发,发病有明显季节性;患者主要为低年龄散居儿童。
Objective To investigate the prevalence and trend of Japanese encephalitis(JE)during 1960-2010 in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and to provide scientific evidence for effective control and prevention of JE.Methods The data on JE epidemic in Guangxi from 1960-2010 were collected and analyzed with descriptive epidemiologic methods.Results Totally 65 384 people in the province suffered from JE during the period.Among of them,11 875 died with an average annual morbidity of 3.38/100 000,an average yearly mortality of 0.61/100 000,and a fatality rate of 18.2%.The epidemic peak occurred in 1960's and 1970's,with yearly average morbidities of 8.59/100 000 and 9.24/100 000,respectively.The disease incidence rate decreased significantly after the period.The JE cases were found in all 14 cities of Guangxi,among which the Guigang,Fangchenggang,Beihai,Laibin,and Yulin were cities with the higher morbidity of 5.40,4.12,4.02,3.88,and 3.81per 100 000 person years,respectively,accounting for 14.3%,1.9%,3.4%,5.7%,and 12.5% of total cases in the province,respectively.There was a distinct seasonal peak for the epidemics,mainly in the months of May to September,accouning for 95.8% of total cases.The cases occured mainly in the children under the age of 14 years with a higher incidence rate in male than in female.Conclusion The incidence of JE is decreased.The incidence of JE is sporadic with distinct seasonal peak and mainly concentrating in young-age children.
Chinese Journal of Public Health
Japanese encephalitis(JE)
prevalent trend