
证券投资行为的心理机制理论综述 被引量:1

Securities Investment Behavior of the Psychological Mechanism of Theories
摘要 对于证券投资行为心理机制的相关研究主要集中于两方面,一是将投资行为作为个体行为的角度进行研究和分析,重点研究一般投资者的共同心理活动和行为规律。例如投资者在投资过程中产生的感觉、知觉、情绪、态度、意志、认知过程的规律性以及投资者在投资决策过程中心理机制或行为反应模式以及投资行为和心态的变化历程的研究。二是对于投资行为的群体性心理学研究,研究包括群体心理形成机制、群体心理特征、思维模式以及投资群体在投资过程中的心理活动和行为规律。这里将投资行为的主体分开讨论,并不意味着两者之间是相互分离,独立存在的,相反两者是相互影响,不可分割的。因此,通过对投资行为心理机制的研究,可以指导行为人在投资决策过程中克服人性弱点和心理误区,规避不利因素做出更加理性、更加合理的决策。 Focused on two aspects of behavioral and psychological mechanisms for investment in securities related research.First of all,the investment behavior of individual behavior as a point of research and analysis,investors focus on the general common law of mental activity and behavior.For example,investors in the investment process have the feeling,perception,emotions,attitudes,will,the laws of cognitive processes and investors in the investment decision-making process of psychological mechanisms or behavioral response patterns,and changes in investment behavior and mentality of the research process.Second,the investment behaviors of group psychology,studies include the formation mechanism of group psychology,group psychological.This will be discussed separately from the main body of investment behavior,does not mean that the two are mutually separate,independent existence;instead the two influence each other,inseparable.Thus,through the psychological mechanism of investment behavior,can guide the behavior of people in the investment decision-making process to overcome the weaknesses of human nature and psychological errors,avoid the negative factors make more rational,more rational decision.
出处 《内蒙古师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2012年第1期35-38,97,共5页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 证券投资 心理机制 个体心理 群体心理 securities Investment psychological mechanism individual psychology group psychology
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