
放大转发双向中继网络的总速率最大化 被引量:3

Maximizing the sum-rate of amplify-and-forward two-way relaying networks
摘要 在一个双向中继网络中,2个终端在中继节点的帮助下,通过一个共享的半双工无线信道进行信息交换,它能够增大系统单位时间的吞吐量,放大转发的双向中继网络就是其中的一种形式,该模型因为它的简单易用而受到关注,并在无线网络通信中得到了广泛的运用。本文研究如何在达到最大速率传输的同时,系统的传输可靠性相对达到最大。 In a two-way relay network.two terminals exchange information over a shared wireless half-duplex channel with a relay.It can increase the system throughput per unit time,amplify-and-forward two-way relaying networks is one form.Due to its simplicity,there has been an increasing interest in it and it is widely used in wireless network communication.How to achieve maximum total transmission rate,at the same time,the system transmission reliability relatively reach the maximum,which are the main issues of this article.
作者 徐莉
出处 《电子测量技术》 2012年第2期135-137,共3页 Electronic Measurement Technology
关键词 放大转发双向中继网络 最大整体传输速率 符号差错率 AF BAT-relaying network the maximum sum-rate symbol error probability
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