本文简述了额肯阿尔斯楞地区以Spiriferella saranae-Yakovlevia mammata为代表的早二叠世腕足动物群,包括18属27种,均为北极区和我国北方槽区冷水型常见分子。按其组合特征,地层时代相当阿丁斯克阶早期。这套以粗碎屑岩为主,夹少量碳酸盐岩的沉积,富含腕足类而缺失■类,实际是北山地区下二叠统双堡塘组的东延部分。该化石点正处在我国北方槽区西段的最南缘,故在研究地层区划,生物区系以及古地理再造等方面均具重要意义。
Early Permian Brachiopod fauna represented by Spiriferella saranae- Yakovlevia mammata in Ekenalsileng region, containing 18 genera and 27 spe- cies, is briefly stated in this paper. They all are common elements, belo- nging to cold water form in Arctic Realm and Northern Geosynclinal Area in China. According to the assemblage characters, the stratigraphic time range corresponds to Early Artinskian stage. The sediments are mainly composed of coarse clastic rock, intercalated with a little carbonatites bearing abundant brachiopods but lacking fusulini- ds, which are really easterly extended part of Shuangbutang Formation on Lower Permian in Beishan district. The locality of the fossiliferous horizon just lies on the extreme south margin of west section in Northern Geosynclinal Area, China. Therefore, it is very significant in the study of the stratigraphic division, biotic province and palaeogeoraphic reconstruction etc.