
超声-电凝聚技术处理毒死蜱废水研究及降解途径分析 被引量:3

Study on the treatment of chlorpyrifos wastewater by ultrasonic electro-coagulation and degradation pathway analysis
摘要 针对毒死蜱废水污染严重、可生化性差的特点,本实验研究了超声-电凝聚方法处理毒死蜱废水的效果。通过单因素实验探讨了电压、超声功率、原水初始有机磷浓度和流速等因素对超声-电凝聚法去除有机磷及CODCr效果的影响,并进行了能耗分析及毒死蜱降解途径分析。结果表明:最佳工艺条件为电压9V,超声功率80W、原水初始有机磷浓度10mg·L-1、流速250mL·min-1。在最佳条件下,电解15min后,有机磷的去除率达到99.84%,CODCr的去除率达到95.44%。 According to the disadvantages of chlorpyrifos wastewater such as serious pollution and poor biodegradability,the treatment of chlorpyrifos wastewater by ultrasonic electro-coagulation was studied.In this research work,the effects of various parameters were investigated including voltage,ultrasonic power,initial organic phosphorus concentration and flowing rate.The energy consumption of removing chlorpyrifos by ultrasonic electro-coagulation method was discussed.The possible oxidative degradation pathway of chlorpyrifos in wastewater was also derived.The results showed that for the waste water with organic phosphorus concentration of 10 mg·L-1,when the flowing rate was 250mL·min-1,the optimum voltage was 9V and ultrasonic power was 80W.At optimum condition,the removal efficiency of organic phosphorus and CODCr was 99.84%,95.44% after 15min,respectively.
出处 《化学工程师》 CAS 2012年第2期27-32,共6页 Chemical Engineer
基金 "十一五"国家科技支撑计划(2006BAD04A12)
关键词 毒死蜱 电凝聚 超声 降解途径 chlorpyrifos; electro-coagulation; ultrasonic; degradation pathway
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