
团队过程视角下的高层梯队互动研究 被引量:2

Research on upper echelons interaction from the perspective of team process
摘要 董事会的职能不仅是对经理层的激励约束,而应具有包括建议、获取资源、战略决策等在内的多重职能;TMT也不仅是消极的听命者,也是积极的战略制定者。董事会和TMT均是企业战略决策的核心主体,因而有必要统一到高层梯队的框架下研究。运用团队生命周期理论,构建高层梯队生命周期模型,分析团队过程视角下的董事会和高管团队的职能匹配,提出将董事会和高管团队在高层梯队生命周期各阶段中的互动划分成公共耦合、内容耦合、模块耦合与控制耦合4种状态,分别进行研究。 The function of the board of directors is not only an executive incentive and restraint,and also should included suggestions,access to resources,strategic decision,and multiple functions.TMT is not only a negative answer,but also active strategy makers.The board of directors and TMT is a strategic decision of the core subjects,so it is necessary to unify upper echelons framework for research.Using team life cycle theory,we construct the upper echelons life cycle model,analyze the function matching to the board of directors and top management team from the perspective of team process,suggesting that the board of directors and top management team in the upper echelons of each phase in the life cycle of interaction be divided into four states: public coupling,content coupling,module coupling and control coupling to study respectively.
出处 《科技与管理》 2012年第1期96-100,共5页 Science-Technology and Management
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(11BGL014) 上海市教委科研创新重点项目(10ZS96) 上海市(第三期)管理科学与工程重点学科项目(S30504) 上海理工大学人文社会科学基金项目(11XSZ05)
关键词 高层梯队 生命周期 职能匹配 互动 高层梯队耦合 upper echelons life cycle function matching interaction upper echelons coupling
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