本次博览会参展植物种类多 ,来源广 ,带土普遍 ,疫情复杂。在来自国外的近 30 0种参展植物中截获矛线目和垫刃目的 1 4个科、74个属 (种 ) ,其中截获我国对外检疫潜在危险性线虫 :咖啡短体线虫Pratylenchuscaffeae,穿刺短体线虫P .penetrans,稻干尖线虫Aphelenchoidesbesseyi,草莓滑刃线虫A .fragariae,北方根结线虫Meloidogynehapla ,南方根结线虫M .incognita,爪哇根结线虫M .javanica ,长针线虫Longidorussp.,剑线虫Xiphinemaspp .,乳突剑线虫Xiphinemamammlliatum等 1 0个属 (种 )。同时 ,在检疫处理方面也进行了大胆的探索和研究 。
About 300 kinds of overseas plants entered China with soil on their roots to be displayed at EXPO '99. Diseases and pests belonging to 14 families (74 genera/species) were detected during quarantine on the borders. The following third class nematodes were discovered on the overseas exhibition plants: Pratylenchus caffeae, P.penetrans, Aphelenchoides besseyi, A.fragariae, Meloidogyne hapla, M.incognita, M.javanica, Longidorus sp., Xiphinema spp. and X.mammlliatum . Quatantine inspection procedures were improved and a set of pest removal treatments were developed.
Journal of Southwest Agricultural University