HS6617高温高压灭菌器采用真空泵将锅内空气完全抽吸后呈真空状态,然后导入蒸汽,使蒸汽在锅内迅速扩散并渗透到锅内物品的深部达到有效的灭菌效果。本文总结了洁定HS6617型高温高压灭菌器GASKET INTERLOCK/门封联锁、湿包、TIME FAULT PHASE/时间错误等常见故障现象及维修方法,并发现上述故障与环境因素、使用过程、维修保养等因素相关。
The GETINGE HS6617 sterilizer with a vacuum pump can pump the air out of the pot and keep the pot vacuum, then the sterilized steam is led into the pot to achieve the effeetive sterilization. This paper briefly summarizes the common malfunction phenomenon (sueh as "GASKET INTERLOCK" and "TIME FAULT PHASE") and the maintenances of the GETINGE HS6617 sterilizer,and points out that all these eases are related to environmental factors.utilization Drocess and maintenance.
Beijing Biomedical Engineering