由于施工失误 ,作为电视塔顶的外悬游览厅和塔筒间的锚固发生了问题 ,本文介绍了采用在相应位置设置两根无粘结预应力大梁分别作为游览厅屋面和楼面径向悬挑支承梁的锚固梁 ,确保了它和塔筒的整体性和荷载的传递。
Problems occured in the anchoring of overhung tourist hall on top of the TV tower and tower drum due to construction mistakes .It was introduced in this paper that two non binding prestressed girder beams are respectively set in corresponding locations as the anchor beam of overhung radial support beam of tourist hall, thus the integrity of the tower drum and transmission of the load were guaranteed.
Metal Mine Design & Construction