目的 DNA倍体分析(DNA-ICM)及The Bethesda(TBS)细胞学分类法在宫颈癌筛查中的应用价值进行评价。方法采用液基薄层细胞制片,DNA-ICM检测宫颈细胞并进行TRS细胞分类诊断,将诊断意义不明的不典型鳞状细胞(ASC-US)以上病变均列为阳性病例,病例均在阴道镜下化验,将DNA-ICM结果与化验结果作对比分析。结果对446例行DNA-ICM及阴道镜下化验与组织病理学诊断,鳞状细胞癌(SU)100%(24/24),高度病变88.23%(30/34),低度病变88.44%(76/90)。结论 DNA-ICM技术应用于宫颈细胞涂片的筛查与传统的巴氏涂片相比明显提高了涂片的满意率及宫颈异常细胞检出率。DNA倍体检查异常的病例配合阴道镜病理检查进行诊断,能及早发现宫颈早期病变,尽可能防止宫颈癌发生。
Objective To investigate the value of DNA - ICM and Bethesda TRS cytology subdivision in the detection of cerrical cancer. Methods 223 Cases with cerrical cancer were detected by DNA - ICM and TBS. The samplees of atypical squamous cell and more abnormal cell were positive, then compared with the positive results with colpo seopieal biopsy examination. Results The obtained result for 446 patients with cervical cancer was same with that of pathological examination. The resuit of Thinprep slides showed 100% (24/24) squamous cell sareioma (see) 88.23% (3034) high grade (HSIL) and 84. 44% (7690) low grade squamms in traepithelial lesions (LSIL). Conclusion K combined wih colpos eopieal and patho logical examination, DNA - ICM can find out the early cervical lesions as soon as prssible. The TBS cytology subdivision is more detailed, simple and direct. It is key to prophylaxis and treatment of cervical cancer.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rational Drug Use