

A Comparative Study on Archaism Between Chinese and English Poems
摘要 用古是诗歌语言保守倾向的典型体现之一,是汉英诗歌语言共同存在的现象。通过对19、20世纪英语的商籁诗和汉语的七律诗比较发现,用古在汉英诗歌中的总体表现形式(即用古在词汇、语法、语音三个语言层面上的体现)和文体功能是相似的。不同之处在于:语法上,英诗的用古主要体现于使用中古英语的代词系统及其动词屈折形式,汉诗的用古则体现在几乎对整个文言文语法系统的继承上;语音上,英诗的用古主要表现在某些词汇音节的增减以及为适应尾韵而改变单词的发音,汉诗的用古则表现为遵循中古时代的读音规则;有无用典要求也是汉英诗歌用古的重要差别。 Archaism, preserved in both Chinese and English poems, typifies the "conservative trends" of poetic language. Based on a comparison between English sonnets and Chinese seven-syllable-verses, this paper demonstrates that, with respect to archaism, Chinese and English poems exhibit striking similarities in both stylistic functions and forms of expression ( that is, their manifestation on three linguistic levels: phonological, lexical, and grammatical). Marked differences are present in three aspects. First, grammatically, archaism in English poems mainly finds its expression in the system of pronouns and verbal inflections, whereas that in Chinese is embodied by the full inheritance of the syntactic system of classical Chinese. Second, phonologically, English archaism chiefly involves altering the number of syllables with a lexical item to meet the requirements of a meter, while Chinese archaism lies in the obedience to the prescription of medieval rhyme system. Third, the use of allusions is a matter of choice in English poetry while it is a compulsory obligation in its Chinese counterpart.
出处 《西安外国语大学学报》 2012年第1期1-4,33,共5页 Journal of Xi’an International Studies University
关键词 用古 商籁诗 七律 用典 archaism sonnet seven-syllable-verse allusion
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