Truth-conditional semantics in its post-Gricean version proposes that semantics has to be supplemented with the output of pragmatic processing in the form of inference or defaults. It can still account for the case of concept-shift in the form of concept narrowing or concept broadening, proposed by Carston, who believes that abstract concepts make use of pre-existing metaphorical schemas. However, although such "non-literal" meanings can be analysed on the level of what is explicitly said in an utterance, such concept constructions do not necessarily require conscious inference, for conceptual schemas can lead to the intended, "non-literal" interpretations automatically, featuring subconscious image schemas of cognitive semantics. In Carston ' s pragrnaties-rich semantics, a truth-conditional, pragnmtics-rich analysis of utterance meaning is reconcilable with the explication in terms of cognitive schemas. If the coded meaning is not so closely related to the conveyed meaning, the prop- ositional representation of the utterance should not be so dependent on the grammatical form of the uttered sentence, according to the theory of Default Semantics. Since semantic representations of cognitive grammar can be regarded as a level of representation of human cognition, there is compatibility between cognitive semantics and truth-conditional semantics.
Journal of Xi’an International Studies University
concept shift
ad hoc concept construction
image schema
truth-conditional semantics
Default Semantics