
概念转换:认知语义学和真值条件语义学之交汇点 被引量:2

Concept Shift:Converging of Cognitive Semantics and Truth-Conditional Semantics
摘要 根据后格赖斯版本的真值条件语义学,语义需用推理或缺省形式的语用加工之结果补充。这仍然可解释Car-ston提出的概念转换的情况,此概念转换体现为概念范围缩小或概念范围扩大。Carston认为,抽象概念利用了已有的隐喻图式。然而,虽然可以在话语中明说的内容的层面上分析这样的"非字面"义,但这样的概念构建未必需要有意识的推理,因为概念图式可自动引发意图表达的非字面义,具有认知语义学之潜意识意象图式的特征。在Carston的语用学充实的语义学中,对言语意义的真值条件和语用充实的分析可以与认知图式角度的解释相对接。如果被编码的意义并不与被传达的意义紧密联系,那么按照缺省语义学的理论,话语的命题表征就不应过于依赖于句子的语法形式。既然认知语法的语义表征可被视为人类认知的表征,那么,真值条件语义学和认知语义学是相容的。 Truth-conditional semantics in its post-Gricean version proposes that semantics has to be supplemented with the output of pragmatic processing in the form of inference or defaults. It can still account for the case of concept-shift in the form of concept narrowing or concept broadening, proposed by Carston, who believes that abstract concepts make use of pre-existing metaphorical schemas. However, although such "non-literal" meanings can be analysed on the level of what is explicitly said in an utterance, such concept constructions do not necessarily require conscious inference, for conceptual schemas can lead to the intended, "non-literal" interpretations automatically, featuring subconscious image schemas of cognitive semantics. In Carston ' s pragrnaties-rich semantics, a truth-conditional, pragnmtics-rich analysis of utterance meaning is reconcilable with the explication in terms of cognitive schemas. If the coded meaning is not so closely related to the conveyed meaning, the prop- ositional representation of the utterance should not be so dependent on the grammatical form of the uttered sentence, according to the theory of Default Semantics. Since semantic representations of cognitive grammar can be regarded as a level of representation of human cognition, there is compatibility between cognitive semantics and truth-conditional semantics.
作者 唐韧
出处 《西安外国语大学学报》 2012年第1期64-67,81,共5页 Journal of Xi’an International Studies University
关键词 概念转换 临时概念构建 意象-图式 真值条件语义学 缺省语义学 concept shift ad hoc concept construction image schema truth-conditional semantics Default Semantics
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