

Safety assessment for under-matched joints of 10CrNi3MoV steel with different values of weld toughness
摘要 基于欧洲工业结构完整性评定方法(SINTAP)提供的失效评定图FAD分析手段,针对不同焊缝韧度值条件下的10CrNi3MoV高强度船体钢低强匹配接头,建立了二级失效评定曲线.根据母材与焊缝的拉伸试验及CTOD试验结果,对比分析了同为低强匹配、接头韧度不同的2组接头安全评定结果.结果表明,选定评定级别之后,2组接头对应的FAD图形状变化很小;接头韧度值的大小对接头抵抗塑性失稳的性能影响微弱,但是显著影响接头抗脆断能力;同为低强匹配接头,焊缝韧度越高,评定点落于FAD图失效评定曲线内部的几率越大,接头安全性越好. With the application of failure assessment diagram(FAD) approach provided by 'structural integrity assessment procedure for european industry'(SINTAP),Class II failure assessment curves were set up for two under-matched joints of 10CrNi3MoV steel with different weld toughness.Based on the tensile test and CTOD test,safety assessment for the two joints was carried out.It showed that after the assessment level being selected,FAD shape changed very little.The results indicated that weld toughness was weakly influenced on the joint's resistance to plastic instability,but it can significantly influence on the anti-brittle capacity.The higher weld toughness is,the more likely assessment point locates within failure assessment curve,i.e.the joint's safety performance is better.
出处 《焊接学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期69-72,116,共4页 Transactions of The China Welding Institution
关键词 结构完整性 低匹配接头 韧度 安全评定 structural integrity under-matched joint toughness safety assessment
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