As the financial capital from public finance is increasing, public libraries are facing the questions about investment benefit, which are raised by taxpayers and administrative offices of public finance. The questions require public libraries to describe the benefit of its existence. In order to solve the questions, the evaluation research on the economic value of public libraries is arising. This study is based on the evaluation on the economic value of Hangzhou library. We use the contingent valuation method and consumer surplus method in this evaluation, and analyze the factors influencing the economic value of public libraries. The findings include: (1)The way to deal with substitute's price and the question pattern of questionnaires brings great influence to the reliability of contingent valuation method and consum- er surplus method; (2)The economic value of a group of libraries is much larger than that of an individual library; (3) Under the condition of unchanged basic services, to promote the economic value of public libraries, librarians should provide more high value-added services; (4) Under the condition of unchanged fund input, reducing the costs of services can promote the economic value. 2 tabs. 27 refs.
Journal of Library Science in China