
我国软件企业外包信任关系的路径演变分析——对杭州的多案例研究 被引量:12

The evolution paths of trust in China's software outsourcing——a multi-case study in Hangzhou
摘要 文章选取了杭州市四家具有代表性的软件企业,运用多案例分析方法,探讨我国软件企业外包信任关系的演变路径。研究将职业化关系中信任的发展阶段理论,以及信任具有认知性和情感性维度的理论,创新性的综合到软件企业外包信任关系的研究中。并且证实软件外包信任具有谋算型信任、了解型信任以及关系型信任三个阶段不同顺序的演变过程,以及这些阶段中认知性和情感性具有不同的变化,使软件外包信任关系的研究体系更加系统化。研究的现实意义是,软件外包合资企业在与其母公司合作时,在情感性信任上具有接包优势;本土企业需要立足国内,加强专业性,积极建立和维护与发包方的信任。 The development of service trade is an important symbol of modernization, and software outsourcing is an important part of China' s software industry. In this paper, we chose four representatives and employed a multi -case study to investigate the evolution paths of trust in China' s software outsourcing. We analyzed the various stages and its characteristics of the trust development. There are different styles in trust development between joint ventures and local enterprises. First, the development of "client companies vs. joint ventures" ( C - J) trust follows the cycle of "identification - based trust → knowledge - based trust → calculus - based trust". Second, the development of "client companies vs. local enterprises"( C -L) trust follows the cycle of "calculus -based trust → knowledge - based trust → identification - based trust". Third, affective trust decreases in C - J trust but increases in C - L trust. Fourth, when new project starts the previous project impacts trust dimensions in the beginning of new project, and the change process is still similar to the previous project.
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期407-416,共10页 Studies in Science of Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70972136) 浙江省重点创新团队资助(浙委办〔2009〕126号)
关键词 信任 软件外包 认知性信任 情感性信任 案例研究 trust software outsourcing cognitive trust affective trust multi - case study
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