
伏漫水库主坝渗漏通道勘察方法 被引量:2

Seepage path survey method for main dam of Fuman Reservoir
摘要 由于伏漫水库地处岩溶地区,主坝渗漏严重。为此,采用地质调查、物理勘探与钻探相结合的方法,查明了主坝渗漏通道。其成果证明了地质调查、物理勘探与钻探相结合的方法,用于查明主坝下游坝脚集中渗漏点的渗漏通道是十分有效的。但自然电场法、充电法、电阻率法在岩溶地区有一定的局限性,在实际应用中,应综合分析物探成果,并通过钻孔验证。 Fuman Reservoir is located in karst area and its main dam has serious seepage problem. The seepage paths were found by combined survey method incorporating geological investigation, geophysical prospecting and drilling, demonstrating that this method is effective in finding the seepage paths at dam toe. In karst area, applica- tion of natural electric field method, mise-a-la-masse method, and resistivity method shall be supplemented by comprehensive analysis of geophysical prospecting results and be examined by drilling
作者 孙士安
出处 《广西水利水电》 2012年第1期12-15,共4页 Guangxi Water Resources & Hydropower Engineering
关键词 勘察 岩溶 渗漏 方法 Survey karst seepage method
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