
157例子宫内膜增生症患者的临床特征分析 被引量:7

Analysis of clinical characteristics of 157 patients with endometrial hyperplasia
摘要 目的:分析子宫内膜增生症患者的临床特征。方法:选取吉林大学第一医院收治入院诊断为子宫内膜增生症患者157例,根据病理结果将其分为单纯型增生组、复杂型增生组和不典型增生组,不典型增生属于癌前病变,回顾性分析子宫内膜增生症患者的临床特征(包括年龄、绝经及阴道流血情况,合并症、B超检查等)。结果:子宫内膜增生症患者多处于围绝经期,不典型增生组平均年龄明显大于单纯型增生组及复杂型增生组,且3组年龄呈逐渐增高趋势。子宫内膜增生症患者多有月经改变或不规则阴道流血,子宫内膜不典型增生组有合并症及超声提示宫腔内有回声团的发生率高于单纯型增生及复杂型增生组。结论:对于围绝经期异常阴道流血患者应积极进行分段诊刮及宫腔镜检查,B超提示宫腔有回声团或有合并症患者应警惕子宫内膜癌前病变的可能。 Objective: To analyze the clinical characteristics of the patients with endometrial hyperplasia. Methods: A total of 157 patients who were diagnosed as endometrial hyperplasia in the hospital were selected, then they were divided into simple hyperplasia group, complex hyperplasia group, and atypical hyperplasia group, atypical hyperplasia belonged to precancerous lesion, the clinical characteristics of the patients with endometrial hyperplasia were analyzed retrospectively, including age, menopause, and vaginal bleeding, complications, and B - ultrasonography. Results: Most of the patients with endometrial hyperplasia were in perimenopausal period, the average age of atypical hyperplasia group was significantly older than those of simple hyperplasia group and complex hyperplasia group, and in the three groups, the ages showed gradually increasing trends. Most of the patients with endometrial hyperplasia were found with menstrual change or irregular vaginal bleeding, the incidences of complications and intrauterine echo mass indicated by ultrasound in atypical hyperplasia group were significantly higher than those in simple hyperplasia group and complex hyperplasia group. Conclusion: The patients with abnormal vaginal bleeding during perimenopausal period should receive fractional curettage and hysteroscopy actively. The patients with intrauterine echo mass indicated by B - ultrasound or complications should be alert to the possibility of endometrial precancerous lesion.
出处 《中国妇幼保健》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第8期1148-1149,共2页 Maternal and Child Health Care of China
关键词 子宫内膜增生症 单纯型增生 复杂型增生 不典型增生 Endometrial hyperplasia Simple hyperplasia Complex hyperplasia Atypical hyperplasia
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